CREATING TOOLBAR(Bottom) USING KIVYMD Link of video On YouTube :- Following are the steps that are required to create Toolbar : 1. Creating the App by importing the MDApp class of kivymd module. 2. Creating the Box Layout by using MDBoxLayout class of kivymd module. 3. Placing the toolbar in the bottom of the screen by using MDBottomAppBar class of kivymd. 4. Creating Toolbar using MDToolbar class of kivymd module. First Create a Python file (extension .py) then, create a kivy file (.kv extension) name of kivy file should be same as app name. App name is the name of the class that consist of b uild function and created by inheriting the MDApp class Following is the list of attributes used in this program :- Attributes of MDBoxLayout class 1. md_ bg_color - To change the background color (Takes values in RGB format). 2. orientation - To change the orientation of items of box layout (Takes values vertical and horizontal). Attributes of...