Creating a LOGIN page using KIVYMD Video link on YouTube - Following classes are required to create a login page :- 1. MDApp - To create a App 2. MDScreen - To create a screen 3. MDCard - To create a Card 4. MDLabel - To create a Label 5. MDTextFieldRound - To take ID and Password Input from user 6. MDRoundFlatButton - To create a sign-up button Note :- First Create a Python file (extension .py) then, create a kivy file (.kv extension) name of kivy file should be same as app name. App name is the name of the class that consist of b uild function and created by inheriting the MDApp class Following is the code of LOGIN page # Code of Python Program from import MDApp class Myapp ( MDApp ): def build ( self ): return Myapp().run() # Save it by .py extension # Code of KIVY...
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