C REATING A PHOTO SHOOT PAGE USING KIVYMD Code of python Program # Code of Python Program from kivymd . app import MDApp from kivy . core . window import Window Window .size = ( 360 , 600 ) class Myapp ( MDApp ): def build ( self ): return Myapp (). run () Code of kivy program # Code of kivy Program MDScreen : MDBoxLayout : orientation : 'vertical' MDToolbar : title : 'Photo Shoots' md_bg_color : [ 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 ] ...
CREATING BACKDROP PANEL USING KIVYMD Following are the steps that are required to create a Backdrop panel : 1. Creating the App by importing the MDApp class of kivymd module. 2. Creating the Screen using MDScreen class. 3. Creating the Backdrop panel using MDBackdrop class. First Create a Python file (extension .py) then, create a kivy file (.kv extension) name of kivy file should be same as app name. App name is the name of the class that consist of b uild function and created by inheriting the MDApp class Following is the list of attributes used in this program :- Attributes of MDScreen class 1. md_ bg_color - To change the background color (Takes values in RGB format). 2. radius - to change the corner radius of screen. Attributes of MDBackdrop class 1. title - Title of Backdrop panel (Takes string). 2. header - Used to print header text (Takes True or False). 2. header_text - Heading of backdrop panel (takes String). 4. background_color - To change the b...